PDF⋙ La Díeta para la Limpieza del Higado: Projeja a su hí gado y vivirá más (Spanish Edition) by Sandra Cabot

La Díeta para la Limpieza del Higado: Projeja a su hí gado y vivirá más (Spanish Edition) by Sandra Cabot

La Díeta para la Limpieza del Higado: Projeja a su hí gado y vivirá más (Spanish Edition)

La Díeta para la Limpieza del Higado: Projeja a su hí gado y vivirá más (Spanish Edition) by Sandra Cabot PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Presenting a detailed eight-week plan for promoting good health and longevity by effectively cleansing the liver, this best-selling guide comes complete with groundbreaking recipes for healing soup and raw juice concoctions. Extensively revised and updated, this revolutionary manual contains informative sections that examine natural therapies for revitalizing the liver including reversing a fatty liver, nutritional medicine for hepatitis C and B, how to fight childhood obesity, and statistics showing why drug therapy alone is generally not successful in the long term.

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