PDF⋙ Supermarket Monsters: The Price of Coles and Woolworths' Dominance (Redback Quarterly) by Malcolm Knox

Supermarket Monsters: The Price of Coles and Woolworths' Dominance (Redback Quarterly) by Malcolm Knox

Supermarket Monsters: The Price of Coles and Woolworths' Dominance (Redback Quarterly)

Supermarket Monsters: The Price of Coles and Woolworths' Dominance (Redback Quarterly) by Malcolm Knox PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

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In hardware, petrol, general merchandise and liquor, and above all in groceries, Coles and Woolworths jointly rule Australia’s retail landscape. On average, every man, woman and child in this country spends $100 a week across their many outlets.

What does such dominance mean for suppliers? And is it good for consumers?

In Supermarket Monsters, journalist and author Malcolm Knox shines a light on Australia’s twin mega-retailers, exploring how they have built and exploited their market power. Knox reveals the unavoidable and often intimidating tactics both companies use to get their way. In return for cheap milk and bread, he argues, we as consumers are risking much more: quality, diversity and community.

Supermarket Monsters is a valuable primer on the hidden costs of our supermarket duopoly’ —the Age

Malcolm Knox is a former literary editor of the Sydney Morning Herald and has won a Walkley Award for journalism. His books include Jamaica and The Life.

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