PDF⋙ Mel Bay First Lessons Flute Book/CD Set by Mizzy McCaskill, Dona Gilliam

Mel Bay First Lessons Flute Book/CD Set by Mizzy McCaskill, Dona Gilliam

Mel Bay First Lessons Flute Book/CD Set

Mel Bay First Lessons Flute Book/CD Set by Mizzy McCaskill, Dona Gilliam PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Mel Bay's First Lessons Flute is an easy method for beginning players of all ages. From the first tones to a full two-octave chromatic scale, this book and CD will introduce the beginner progressively to the foundations of flute playing and musicianship. Proper assembly, playing position, and embouchure formation are carefully introduced along with simple songs and rudiments of music. Beginning players are taught a set of basic skills from which they can build performance technique. Lively rhythmic backgrounds on the accompanying CD will generate student interest from the very beginning. Practice loops will encourage students to learn through repetition. The First Lessons CD is perfect for use with group lessons and for energizing practice sessions from start to finish. Latin and jazz accompaniments make even the simplest exercises an enjoyable musical experience. Assemble your flute, pop the First Lessons CD into your player and have fun while you learn to play.

• Easy method for beginning players.
• Progressive, step-by-step introduction to fundamentals.
• Lively play-along CD.

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