ode ode (Salt Modern Poets) by Michael Farrell
ode ode (Salt Modern Poets) by Michael Farrell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A book that 'does' the subject: including pop fantasies of hares, fluteplayers, nudes, whores and Proust; (Marianne) Moore-style constructions of a gamut from Gosse to Guns 'n Roses; sequences inspired by the songs of DJ Shadow, Blur and Oasis. A poetry of phrases rather than lines, of a mind thinking (Stein's 'entity') rather than a presentation of thought/identity. Following Brecht, suspense is held in high disregard; following Baudrillard, a democracy is offered: each poem a small celebration of the now, like a promiscuous Frank O'Hara with too many secrets. It's about balancing: influences/sources; what's written/what's unwritten; resistances/acceptances of meaning. God gave us irony to trick the devil, but the devil was already inside.From reader reviews:
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