PDF⋙ The Ship That Sailed to Mars (Calla Editions) by William Timlin

The Ship That Sailed to Mars (Calla Editions) by William Timlin

The Ship That Sailed to Mars (Calla Editions)

The Ship That Sailed to Mars (Calla Editions) by William Timlin PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A raison d'etre of Calla Editions is to make long-forgotten masterworks available to contemporary bibliophiles, and this book fulfills that aim like few others can. The Ship That Sailed to Mars has a legendary reputation, and the original edition is much sought after by an ardent cult of collectors. Its author, William Timlin, was an obscure South African architect who, in a singular burst of creativity, brought forth a magical intertwining of science fiction and fantasy, a kind of Burroughs meets Tolkien. With 48 pages of calligraphic text — in Timlin's hand — and 48 color plates, it is a work of stunning design, illustration, calligraphy, and overall conception. The Calla Edition also features a new introduction by John Howe, one of the two chief conceptual designers for Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. The reappearance of this much-discussed title will be applauded by many fans of science fiction, fantasy, and book illustration.

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