PDF⋙ Modern dentistry for the laity and industrial dentistry for the corporation, modern preventive dentistry and industrial welfare dentistry by Alfred Armstrong Crocker
Modern dentistry for the laity and industrial dentistry for the corporation, modern preventive dentistry and industrial welfare dentistry by Alfred Armstrong Crocker
Modern dentistry for the laity and industrial dentistry for the corporation, modern preventive dentistry and industrial welfare dentistry by Alfred Armstrong Crocker PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1919 edition. Excerpt: ... EVIDENCE OP THE VALUE OF PREVENTATIVE DENTISTRY TO INDUSTRIAL CORPORATIONS In my work of presenting the subject of Preventative Dentistry to manufacturing corporations, various industrial and trade magazines have accepted my articles, believing in the fundamental benefits of good dental advice to humanity, although the subject of dentistry is foreign to the general subject and class of trade to which their magazines are devoted. The regular dental publications which are read mostly, and I might say almost exclusively, by the dental profession and trade have been filled for years with the subject of Preventative Dentistry, and the wish has often been expressed that its benefits to public health be brought to the knowledge of the public. Industrial managers, all over the country are interested in the subject, and you will find it as one of the principal items of welfare work as outlined by the National Safety Council, of which Dr. L. A. Shoudy, Chief Surgeon, Bethlehem Steel Company, South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, is chairman. In reply to my questionnaire to various companies using the dental service system the following replies have been received: The Joseph & Feiss Co., Cleveland, say: While it is difficult to trace the definite results of benefit obtained from this work we feel convinced after six years' experience that it should be classed along with medicine and surgery in first aid work. I am not able to answer questions as to the relative importance of dentistry and medicine. We are convinced without drawing any comparison that dentistry, medicine and eye work form an essential and profitable part of our work and are all of them a tremendous aid in the development of steady and efficient, men and women. Sincerely yours, Ej:fy Ernest Joseph....From reader reviews:
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