PDF⋙ Learning And Behavior- (Value Pack w/MySearchLab) (6th Edition) by James E. Mazur

Learning And Behavior- (Value Pack w/MySearchLab) (6th Edition) by James E. Mazur

Learning And Behavior- (Value Pack w/MySearchLab) (6th Edition)

Learning And Behavior- (Value Pack w/MySearchLab) (6th Edition) by James E. Mazur PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

MySearchLab provides students with a complete understanding of the research process so they can complete research projects confidently and efficiently. Students and instructors with an internet connection can visit www.MySearchLab.com and receive immediate access to thousands of full articles from the EBSCO ContentSelect database. In addition, MySearchLab offers extensive content on the research process itself–including tips on how to navigate and maximize time in the campus library, a step-by-step guide on writing a research paper, and instructions on how to finish an academic assignment with endnotes and bibliography.


  Widely acclaimed for its thoroughness and clarity, this contemporary survey of the field of learning offers comprehensive coverage of both classic studies and the most recent developments and trends–with an emphasis on the importance of learning principles in everyday life. Many real-world examples and analogies make the often abstract concepts and theories of the field more concrete and relevant, and most chapters include sections that describe how the theories and principles have been used in the applied field of behavior modification. Chapter topics include classical conditioning, operant conditioning, avoidance and punishment, theories and research on operant conditioning, stimulus control and concept formation, learning by observation, and much more. For individuals with an interest in psychology—especially learning, conditioning, and the experimental analysis of behavior.

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