PDF⋙ The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Broadview Anthology of British Literature Editions) by Leo Tolstoy

The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Broadview Anthology of British Literature Editions) by Leo Tolstoy

The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Broadview Anthology of British Literature Editions)

The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Broadview Anthology of British Literature Editions) by Leo Tolstoy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This edition brings together Tolstoy’s 1886 masterpiece and several shorter works that connect with it in thought-provoking ways. The stories are accompanied by a fascinating selection of contextual materials, including nineteenth-century reviews, excerpts from Tolstoy’s letters concerning death, excerpts from a pamphlet he wrote after witnessing the slaughtering of livestock, and a portfolio of relevant photographs. As well as crafting fresh translations both of the stories themselves and of the background materials, Kirsten Lodge has provided an illuminating introduction and helpful annotations.

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