PDF⋙ The American Immigrant: The Outsiders (Volume 1) by Dick Gephardt, Mark L Russell

The American Immigrant: The Outsiders (Volume 1) by Dick Gephardt, Mark L Russell

The American Immigrant: The Outsiders (Volume 1)

The American Immigrant: The Outsiders (Volume 1) by Dick Gephardt, Mark L Russell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

TRUE STORIES. REAL PEOPLE. CURRENT ISSUES. Volume One of "The American Immigrant" series, "The Outsiders," shares immigrant stories connected to our current cultural climate and celebrates those who help build our nation.This is the first volume in a series of short books filled with incredible stories of adversity, freedom, and success. In this volume you'll connect with stories of immigrants who came to the United States as refugees; who overcame religious persecution; who arrived poor, but had the determination to make a life for themselves in America; and who, at one point, were undocumented. "The Outsiders" shares the true stories of the people behind the label. – A quarter of American citizens are first or second generation immigrants. Objectively speaking, immigrants play a vital role in our society, from the owner of the corner gas station to the CEO of a billion dollar corporation. Unfortunately, the politics of immigration have created a lot of impersonal dialogue. "The American Immigrant" series is a means of reconnecting the faces of real people to this controversial topic.

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