PDF⋙ Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives by Mary Jo Hatch, Ann L. Cunliffe
Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives by Mary Jo Hatch, Ann L. Cunliffe
Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic and Postmodern Perspectives by Mary Jo Hatch, Ann L. Cunliffe PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Organization Theory offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to the study of organizations and organizing processes. It encourages an even-handed appreciation of the main perspectives defining our knowledge of organizations and challenges readers to broaden their intellectual reach. Organization Theory is presented in three parts:Part I introduces the reader to theorizing using the multi-perspective approach. Part II presents different core concepts useful for analysing and understanding organizations - as entities within an environment, as social structures, technologies, cultures and physical structures, and as the products of power and political processes. Part III explores applications of organization theory to the practical matters of organizational design and change, and introduces the latest ideas, including
organizational identity theory, process and practice theories, and aesthetics.
An Online Resource Centre accompanies this text and includes:
For students:
Multiple Choice Questions
For registered adopters:
Lecturer's guide
PowerPoint slides
Figures and tables from the book
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