PDF⋙ Rumble & Spew: Gross Stuff in Your Stomach and Intestines (Gross Body Science) by Sandy Donovan

Rumble & Spew: Gross Stuff in Your Stomach and Intestines (Gross Body Science) by Sandy Donovan

Rumble & Spew: Gross Stuff in Your Stomach and Intestines (Gross Body Science)

Rumble & Spew: Gross Stuff in Your Stomach and Intestines (Gross Body Science) by Sandy Donovan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

What's that funny feeling coming from your gut? It could be oozing stomach acid or a booming belch or stinky fart that is ready to burst. These revolting reactions happen during the digestion of food. Once you've mashed up and swallowed a meal, your body has to turn it into energy, water, and . . . well . . . poop. Find out about all the nasty things that happen deep inside your belly - and learn why they sound, smell, and feel the way they do. With close-up pictures and lots of disgusting facts, this book tells all about the gross science behind your body's functions.

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