PDF⋙ Guidelines for Microsoft Office 2013 (Guidelines Series) by Nancy Muir

Guidelines for Microsoft Office 2013 (Guidelines Series) by Nancy Muir

Guidelines for Microsoft Office 2013 (Guidelines Series)

Guidelines for Microsoft Office 2013 (Guidelines Series) by Nancy Muir PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Guidelines for Microsoft Office 2013 teaches the essentials of Office 2013 for personal, academic, and business use. Its clear, easy-to-follow instruction offers quick tips for potential trouble spots with minimal reading and maximum visuals. Key Features* Two- and four-page skill activities list the steps on one page and display large illustrations of the steps on the other.* A visual introduction to each module highlights best uses of the software.* Guided end-of-chapter exercises measure students' achievement of learning outcomes, and creative end-of-module projects evaluate students' problem-solving in new situations.* A Student Resources disc packaged with the textbook contains Skills Videos demonstrating every skill plus data files and a searchable glossary.

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