Romance in Bloom: Sweet Sayings for One's Sweetie by Robert Temple Frost
Romance in Bloom: Sweet Sayings for One's Sweetie by Robert Temple Frost PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Do you know that you, too, can be a poet? Everyone has this ability that lives within their loving self. Most people stifle it from fear of being vulnerable, laughed at, or criticized. So their inspiration is never allowed to bloom. Let this little book of poems inspire you to express to your lover, your partner, whoever is sentimentally or emotionally involved in your life some tender thoughts in poetry. You'll be amazed at the reaction you'll get. Who can fault an intent to try? Be bold, be brave, be loving. My wife and I have an amazing romance that continues to this day. I reviewed the love poems I had written to her from the beginning of our romance and realized they make a story in poems that I thought others would enjoy. Here then, is my book of poetry dedicated to my wife, Romance in Bloom: Sweet Sayings for One's Sweetie. Robert Temple Frost of Boulder, Colorado, started writing poems during his first vacation to Maui, Hawaii. The beauty of nature and the people there inspired him to express his feelings in poetry as a natural response to all things beautiful. He earned a BS in finance from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and is retired from the federal government. He has published two other books, The KNOWERS - First move and The KNOWERS - Second Move. Both are available on his website, A novel written for middle-graders, LONG TRIP HOME, was published in 2013 by Strategic Books. He is working on the sequel. Publisher's website: reader reviews:
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