PDF⋙ Maudesley Prescribing Guidelines by David Taylor, Carol Paton, Denise McConnell, Robert Kerwin, Taylor

Maudesley Prescribing Guidelines by David Taylor, Carol Paton, Denise McConnell, Robert Kerwin, Taylor

Maudesley Prescribing Guidelines

Maudesley Prescribing Guidelines by David Taylor, Carol Paton, Denise McConnell, Robert Kerwin, Taylor PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines began as a ten-page pamphlet designed for use by prescribers in the Maudsley NHS Trust. This seventh edition has been fully updated and expanded to meet the needs of prescribers, nursing staff, pharmacists, GPs and other professions allied to medicine.

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