PDF⋙ Diagnosis and Management of Marfan Syndrome

Diagnosis and Management of Marfan Syndrome

Diagnosis and Management of Marfan Syndrome

Diagnosis and Management of Marfan Syndrome PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book has been written in response to the many excellent questions posed by our patients and their care teams, questions which deserve the best-informed and up to date answers provided by our experts in each of the many health areas affected by Marfan syndrome.  The aim of this text is to provide a summary of the present day understanding of diagnosis, management and best medical and surgical treatment of infants, children and adults with Marfan syndrome.  The authors cover the lifelong problems from birth to old age, in each affected system.  Forty percent of this information is the result of new careful research based on a well-defined longitudinally studied UK patient population.​

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