PDF⋙ Sensational Buttercream Decorating: 50 Projects for Luscious Cakes, Mini-Cakes and Cupcakes by Carey Madden
Sensational Buttercream Decorating: 50 Projects for Luscious Cakes, Mini-Cakes and Cupcakes by Carey Madden
Sensational Buttercream Decorating: 50 Projects for Luscious Cakes, Mini-Cakes and Cupcakes by Carey Madden PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Amazing, melt in your mouth Swiss-style buttercream is the perfect decorating tool.
Swiss-style buttercream is the lightest, fluffiest icing, and is the icing of choice for professional and novice bakers alike because its luscious consistency makes it perfect for decorating cakes and cupcakes.
Carey's inspired cake decorating projects show off wholesome, delicious buttercream to its best effect. From start to finish, Carey shares her years of professional decorating experience, guiding you through everything you need to know about slicing and filling cakes, mixing colors, writing inscriptions, serving and displaying cakes, and storing and transporting the finished works of art.
Every delicious cake starts with an easy-to-follow recipe, and Carey provides several failsafe recipes for cakes, cupcakes, icings and fillings, including gluten-free and vegan options. And then the fun really starts, with her detailed, step-by-step explanations of icing techniques, decorating fundamentals and, best of all, 50 gorgeous cake decorating projects. Every step is accompanied by a color photo, ensuring that you'll be able to duplicate Carey's results and create a sensational cake for any occasion.
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