PDF⋙ Economic Analysis of Law (Aspen Casebook) by Richard A. Posner

Economic Analysis of Law (Aspen Casebook) by Richard A. Posner

Economic Analysis of Law (Aspen Casebook)

Economic Analysis of Law (Aspen Casebook) by Richard A. Posner PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Lucid, comprehensive, and definitive in its field, this text covers every aspect of economic analysis of the law.


  • Two new chapters, one on intellectual property, one on international and comparative law, both exploding fields of great importance.
  • Earlier editions' questions have been converted to answers, making the book more accessible and informative.
  • Revised to be clearer and less technical.
  • More eclectic, reflecting recent criticisms of "rational choice" theory, in particular the need to supplement it with insights from psychology.
  • Greater attention paid to judicial behavior, realistically modeled and explained in economic terms.
  • Incorporates insights from the veritable explosion of books and articles published in the last few years on economic analysis of law.

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