PDF⋙ The Fiddle Rose: Poems 1970-1972 (English and Yiddish Edition) by Abraham Sutzkever

The Fiddle Rose: Poems 1970-1972 (English and Yiddish Edition) by Abraham Sutzkever

The Fiddle Rose: Poems 1970-1972 (English and Yiddish Edition)

The Fiddle Rose: Poems 1970-1972 (English and Yiddish Edition) by Abraham Sutzkever PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Abraham Sutzkever is the greatest modern Yiddish poet, celebrated

internationally for his lyric genius and honored with many awards, both in Israel and abroad.

The Fiddle Rose, which appeared m Yiddish in 1974, is one of Sutzkever's major poetic achievements. Its overarching metaphor is the fiddle, symbolizing the poet and the music of poetry struggling to survive death, the Holocaust, and the pain and tragedy of the modern world. The book's astounding images are echoed in the surrealistic illustrations by Sutzkever's old friend Marc Chagall.

Sometimes profound and difficult, sometimes immediate and personal,

the poems form a portrait of man whose stature will be assured for


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