PDF⋙ Lotus and Caterham Seven: Racers for the Road (Crowood Autoclassics) by John Tipler

Lotus and Caterham Seven: Racers for the Road (Crowood Autoclassics) by John Tipler

Lotus and Caterham Seven: Racers for the Road (Crowood Autoclassics)

Lotus and Caterham Seven: Racers for the Road (Crowood Autoclassics) by John Tipler PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The original Lotus Seven was the product of pure engineering genius. Forty years on, it continues to encapsulate the Lotus founder's ideals for an affordable sports racer: it makes few compromises, yet is equally at home on the road as on the track and it can be built by a mechanical novice. This book chronicles the saga of the Lotus Seven including the Series 2 and 3 during the 1960s - when it won fame in The Prisoner TV series. Caterham continues to build the Super Seven and John Tipler shows how the various structural components of the car are manufactured, and interviews key figures in the Seven's evolution.

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