PDF⋙ Panchakarma & Herbo-mineral compound for Psoriasis: Panchakarma and Psoriasis by Gopesh Mangal, Gunjan Garg, Radhey shyam Sharma
Panchakarma & Herbo-mineral compound for Psoriasis: Panchakarma and Psoriasis by Gopesh Mangal, Gunjan Garg, Radhey shyam Sharma
Panchakarma & Herbo-mineral compound for Psoriasis: Panchakarma and Psoriasis by Gopesh Mangal, Gunjan Garg, Radhey shyam Sharma PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Psoriasis is a relatively common skin disease affecting 1% to 2% of the population. In India an estimated 0.8% population is suffering from Psoriasis. It is a papulo-squamous disorder of the skin, characterized by sharply defined erythematosquamous lesions. It is notoriously chronic and is well known for its course of remission and exacerbation. The exact etiology is still unknown. It is difficult to say what psoriasis is in terms of Ayurveda. There is no disease in Ayurveda, which can exactly be correlated with Psoriasis. The description & characteristic features of Mandala Kushtha are near to the Psoriasis of Modern Science. Shodhana (Vamana & Virechana) is reliable to control the disease. The synergistic action of Tikta & Kashaya rasa dominant herbs & minerals are likely to check the etio-pathogenesis of Mandal Kushtha (Psoriasis) and arrest it progress. This work gives overview of the ayurvedic management of skin diseases( psoriasis) and it management by bio purification therapy like Panchakarma (Vamana & Virechana) and some herbo mineral compoundFrom reader reviews:
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