PDF⋙ Duplicity and Deception: Policing the Twilight Zone of the Troubles by Alan Simpson

Duplicity and Deception: Policing the Twilight Zone of the Troubles by Alan Simpson

Duplicity and Deception: Policing the Twilight Zone of the Troubles

Duplicity and Deception: Policing the Twilight Zone of the Troubles by Alan Simpson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A leading detective reveals the truth behind the headlines of some of Northern Ireland's most violent crimes. Alan Simpson was the senior investigating officer in the case of the controversial killing of Belfast lawyer Pat Finucane. He reveals for the first time the dramatic secrets behind the kidnapping and murder of Thomas Niedermayer, German Consul to Northern Ireland and manager of the Grundig factory. He reveals, too, the extraordinary degree of collusion between Republican and Loyalist paramilitaries. The author was a central player in cases from the Shankill Butchers to the ""Supergrass"" informants of the early 1980s.

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