PDF⋙ Post-parametric Automation in Design and Construction by Alfredo Andia, Thomas Spiegelhalter

Post-parametric Automation in Design and Construction by Alfredo Andia, Thomas Spiegelhalter

Post-parametric Automation in Design and Construction

Post-parametric Automation in Design and Construction by Alfredo Andia, Thomas Spiegelhalter PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Book Information Automation, a mixture of algorithms, robots, software, and avatars, is transforming all types of jobs and industries. This book responds to one critical question for the design and construction industry: "how are architects, engineers, and contractors using information technology to further automate their practices?" Addressing the use of new digital technologies, particularly parametric automation for design and construction in the building industry, this book looks at how technologically advanced architectural and engineering practices are semi-automating their design processes by using sophisticated algorithms to transform their workflows. The book also documents a set of firms that are further advancing automation by using pre-fabrication, modularization, and custom designs via robotics. Market Engineers; Architects; Building Designers; Construction Managers; Contractors; & Developers

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