PDF⋙ Barry Galbraith # 3 - Guitar Comping Play-A-Long (Book & CD Set) by Barry Galbraith

Barry Galbraith # 3 - Guitar Comping Play-A-Long (Book & CD Set) by Barry Galbraith

Barry Galbraith # 3 - Guitar Comping Play-A-Long (Book & CD Set)

Barry Galbraith # 3 - Guitar Comping Play-A-Long (Book & CD Set) by Barry Galbraith PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

(Book + CD) An excellent play-a-long set for all instrumentalists from the great recording and studio artist. Contains jazz voicings and rhythms for a range of standards and blues. Bass parts shown in treble clef. Barry on guitar, Milt Hinton on bass. Excellent time feel. Fun to improvise with.

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